Monday, December 14, 2015

Script for GK Important Questions for GK of Competitive exams

Important Questions for GK of Competitive exams
Q.1 BRICS summit 2015 held at -
1. Shanghai
2. Ufa
3. Rio De janeiro
4. Moscow
Ans. (2)
Q.2 "International Yoga Day" celebrate on -
1. 5th June
2. 20th June
3. 21st June
4. 22nd June
Ans. (3)
Q.3 National AIDS research Institute is at -
1. Chennai
2. New Delhi
3. Mumbai
4. Pune
Ans.  (4)
Q.4 Chemical decomposition of an organic compound by water is called as -
1.  Hydrogenation
2. Hydration
3. Hydrolysis
4. All of these
Ans. (3)
Q.5 When did the British make English the medium of instruction in India?
1. 1813
2. 1833
3. 1835
4. 1836
Ans. (3)
Q.6 Revenue deficit in the budget 2015-16 has been estimated at 
1. 3.0% of GDP
2. 2.4% of GDP
3. 2.6% of GDP
4. 2.8% of GDP
Ans. (4)
Q.7 In budget 2015-16 the target of agricultural credit for the year 2015-16 has been fixed at -
1. Rs. 10.5 lakh crore
2. Rs. 10.0 lakh crore
3. Rs. 8.5 lakh crore
4. Rs. 9.5 lakh crore
Ans. (3)
Q.8 The most healthy edible oil for heart is -
1. Butter oil
2. Olive oil
3. Rape-seed oil
4. Mustard oil
Ans. (2)
Q.9 The food corporation of was established in the year -
1. 1965
2. 1966
3. 1967
4. 1955
Ans. (1)
Q.10 IPCC stands for -
1. Inter-govemmental Panel on Climate Change
2. Indian Panel on Climate Change
3. International Policy on Climate Change
4. Indian Policy on Climate Control

Ans. (1)

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